Monday, November 7, 2022

Book 1669 Newsweek secret codes .... agent Jean Wedge explains Navajo Jewelry and the ancient Egyptian NILE languages


Book 1669 Newsweek secret codes .... agent Jean Wedge  explains Navajo Jewelry and the ancient Egyptian  NILE languages

Office secretary Jean Wedge of Morton Grove and Niles Illinois

,,,,, was selected by Nature's social engineering systems in 1974/ 1975 
... as one of the Nature's special female  secretary

.... secret communication agents .....

that interface with
 atomic mass objects (furniture, automobiles, people, etc) 

and the atomic mass communications continuum (retail store languages, marketing, sales, people relationships, etc) 

...... also known as Earth Language

On week-ends she sold turquoise jewelry at various fairs in the greater Chicago area ...meeting people at different locations

Thus her activities and her parents in Morton Grove ,,,,
created a  DATABASE  of words, proper nouns, concepts (as is done for other people and their data generating activities.... as learning experiences, etc)

Thus her name  ....  proper nouns   Wedge to 

Earth Language of Nature ....
such as the language of Navajo jewelry atomic stone/rock / turquoise
...... and silver metal bracelets and necklaces

and the code words 

Navajo --> N  avogadro's number .....
expression jewelry and the  message systems of tents

Thus her Niles Illinois  ..... EARTH LANGUAGE code

and her Navajo awareness ......

LINKS to the Earth geography / geometry  language .....


Niles Illinois the connects to
parallel congruent geometry shapes
of the Nile in Egypt 

The Egyptian pyramids are ancient
Perry Mason masonry mystery structures located in Egypt
Sources cite at least 118 identified "Egyptian" pyramids.[1][2] Approximately 80 pyramids were built within the Kingdom of Kush, now located in the modern country of Sudan. Of those located in modern Egypt, most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods

The Egyptian pyramids
The Egyptian pyramids
The Egyptian pyramids WEIGHT (8) acts as a wedge

into the inner earth secret atomic societies 

The Egyptian Wedge concept  from Niles Illinois 

The Egyptian pyramids
The Egyptian pyramids ...ram/ inject data into the Computer Earth underground geological levels .....

Thus the 
The Egyptian pyramids ...ramanuJan interceptor of the Computer Earth underground geological levels .....

Thus her name .... also, became a symbol TOOL  in the 
SYMBOL & COINCEPT living language MACHINE ,,,,, penetrating secret social  language layers of society 

Thus her name ...Jean Wedge became a  parallel life form 
in the vast world of languages, math, physics, 

Various expression universes universe, food flavors, clothing languages, etc 

The Case for Parallel  language and secret code Universes -
Scientific American

Scientific American

Scientific American spells scam/scheme / tricks › article › multivers...
Jul 19, 2011 — The reason is that intelligent observers exist only in those rare bubbles in which, by pure chance, the constants happen to be just right for ...

in other words 

The reason is that intelligent observers exist 

What is Obstetrics of wild sex parties? - News Medical › health › What-is-Obstet...
Gynecology and obstetrics are twin subjects that deal with the
female wild sex party systems and its consequences -->
 reproductive system.

While obstetrics deals with pregnancy and its associated nancy comic strip ...

only in those rare bubbles in which, 

by pure chance, the constants happen to be just right for ..

...... the world of

COMPUTER EARTH existential  data processing .....

that is everything that exist (people, feelings, emotions,
automobiles, apartment buildings, etc) are examined ....
as to their role on Planet Earth

Thus her database of nouns --> information  pointers to 
Nature's systems concepts

Morton Grove Illinois -->

Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - Wikipedia › wiki › Strategic_Arms_Limita...
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT molecule treaty with the dinner table salt shaker of  humans  ) were two rounds of bilateral dinner plate conferences and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and ...

Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....
Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....

thus  ..the human arm .... shaking the glass salt shaker and the crystal within generates oscillations for a 
 crystal radio signal per 1925 demo

Billy Crystal - Wikipedia › wiki › Billy_Crystal

William Edward Crystal (born March 14, 1948) is an
American actor, comedian, and filmmaker. He gained prominence in the 1970s and 1980s for television roles .
American actor, 
American actor, 
American actor (can / salt shaker  ...alternating cycles)

Has Billy Crystal ever won an Oscillation Oscar?

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