Book 1672 Protein Machine name equation
...4-legged Cattle holstein lick salt blocks
--> Cat + hol + lic --> CatHoLic church protein group
of 2-legged humans
... secret language codes and
EARTH Language word maps translated by Herb Zinser
for year 1960 ...Watertown Wisconsin
Milwaukee in year 1937 on October 18 ..... that Mrs. Keating called Meta Zinser
and asked Meta if she could bake a cake for the Keating family. Meta declined since she was on summer vacation ....
John Keats poetry (podiatry/walking order entry) language
his traveling English language .......
poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs
...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
and the Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.
George and his wife Georgina (agents for geology and geography)
may repeat itself ...... by creating a parallel event using the original database of numbers, nouns, and concepts.
poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs
...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
and the Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.
In June 1818,
In June 1818,
In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules
In June 1818,
In June 1818,
In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules
In June 1818,
In June 1818,
In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules
and the generated EVENT ....
18 teens cited for disorderly conduct in the
Juneau Courthouse after Dodge County Fair ... › news › wisconsin › 18-tee...
Aug 21, 2013 — 18 teens cited for disorderly conduct after Dodge County Fair fight ... fight were from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau.
Thus we see the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE ...... play out in the June 1818 -->
Watertown Daily Times newspaper editor
ATOMIC TOM Schultz will not print the language maps
18 Families and Periods of the Periodic Table
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