Thursday, November 10, 2022

Book 1672 Protein Machine name equation ....Cattle holstein lick salt blocks --> Cat + hol + lic --> CatHoLic church protein group


Book 1672 Protein Machine name equation 

...4-legged Cattle holstein lick salt blocks  

--> Cat + hol + lic   --> CatHoLic church protein group
of 2-legged humans 

... secret language codes and
EARTH Language word maps translated by Herb Zinser

Karl Keating ...code name word .....
 for year 1960 ...Watertown Wisconsin 
for Karl Henry Zinser who was born in
Milwaukee in year 1937 on October 18 .....
worked at an automotive garage in 1960 

Judge Keating and his wife lived in Watertown ...he was a Jefferson County court judge. The only relationship between the 2 families that Mrs. Keating called Meta Zinser 

(Karl's mother worked as a cook and baker for a few rich families in Milwaukee)

and asked Meta if she could bake a cake for the Keating family.  Meta declined since she was on summer vacation ....
but Mrs. Keating called again and again ..... finally Meta said she could bake only 1 cake  for her.

I, Herbert , son on Meta ..... could never figure why this cake was so important to Mrs. Keating ..but 50 years later ..older and wiser 
...I realized that the sub-conscious mind of Mr. Keating was trying to convey as message about COMPUTER EARTH and
John Keats poetry (podiatry/walking order entrylanguage

John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was an English poet of the second generation of Romantic poets, with Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. His poems had been in publication for less than four years when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 25. They were indifferently received in his lifetime, but his fame grew rapidly after his death.[1] By the end of the century, he was placed in the canon of English literature, strongly influencing many writers of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1888 called one ode "one of the final masterpieces". Jorge Luis Borges named his first encounter with Keats an experience he felt all his life. Keats had a style "heavily loaded with sensualities", notably in the series of odes. Typically of the Romantics, he accentuated extreme emotion through natural imagery. Today his poems and letters remain among the most popular and analysed in English literature – in particular "Ode to a Nightingale", "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Sleep and Poetry" and the sonnet "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer".

In June 1818, Keats and
his traveling English language ....... 
 poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs 
...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
and the 
Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.

Keats's brother
George and his wife Georgina (agents for geology and geography)

accompanied them to Lancaster and then continued to Liverpool, from where they migrated to America, living in Ohio and Louisville, Kentucky until 1841, when George's investments failed.

... and COMPUTER EARTH software history
may repeat itself ...... by creating a parallel event using the original database of numbers, nouns, and concepts.

 In June 1818, Keats and
his traveling English language ....... 
 poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs 
...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
and the 
Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.

 In June 1818,

 In June 1818,

 In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules

 In June 1818,

 In June 1818,

 In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules

 In June 1818,

 In June 1818,

 In June 18 --> atomic mass of
H2O water town molecules

and the generated EVENT ....

18 teens
cited for disorderly conduct in the
  Juneau Courthouse after Dodge County Fair ... › news › wisconsin › 18-tee...

Aug 21, 2013 — 18 teens cited for disorderly conduct after Dodge County Fair fight ... fight were from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau.

Thus we see the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE ...... play out in the June 1818  -->
Watertown Daily Times newspaper editor

ATOMIC TOM Schultz will not print the language maps

18 Families and Periods of the Periodic Table › Courses › Chem_121 › 2.0...

Jun 5, 2019 — The 18 vertical columns on the periodic table are called groups or families because of their similar chemical behavior. · All the members of a ..


A fine-screened selenium salt block or bagged product specially formulated with trace minerals to help meet the requirements of beef cattle. The trace minerals complement the diet to help promote digestion, growth, maintenance of body tissues, proper reproductive processes, and general animal well-being.

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Book 1732 Part 2 Complex number (CN) of Czar Nicholas and the N X N square matrices of math President NixoN VERSUS the FCC

  Book 1732 Part 2 Herb Zinser Complex number  (CN)  of  C zar  N icholas  and the N X N square matrices of math President NixoN   VE...