Book 1694 Richard 11 (2) secret codes of the shake / sin wave/ vibration continuum and its messages ..
translated by the NaCl sodium chloride atoms of salt
transalted ...of
...... salted food thought molecules
on a dinner plate of Herb Zinser
Wiiliam Shake ...... salt molecule language is necessary
for human life
William Shakespeare,
Shakespeare also spelled Shakspere, byname Bard of Avon or Swan of Avon, (baptized April 26, 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England—died April 23, 1616, Stratford-upon-Avon), English poet, dramatist, and actor often called the English national poet and considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time.
Computer Earth ..... existence data processing includes
sports and retail store ERRORS
A nanosecond (ns or nsec) is one billionth (10 -9) of a second and is a common measurement of read or write access time to random access memory ( RAM ).
A nanosecond signal agent
Nostradamus was born on either 14 or 21 December 1503 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Provence, France, where his claimed birthplace still exists, and baptized Michel. He was one of at least nine children of notary Jaume (or Jacques) de Nostredame and Reynière, granddaughter of Pierre de Saint-Rémy who worked as a physician in Saint-Rémy. Jaume's family had originally been Jewish, but his ...
Nostradamus, also called Michel de Notredame or Nostredame, (born December 14, 1503, Saint-Rémy, France—died July 1/2, 1566, Salon), French astrologer and physician, the most widely read seer of the Renaissance. Nostradamus began his medical practice in Agen sometime in the 1530s, despite not only never having taken a medical degree but also apparently having been expelled from medical school.
Admiral Grace Hopper famously handed out foot-long lengths of wire to students to illustrate how far an electrical signal can travel in a nanosecond.
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or insect)?
What is nanosecond
(ns or human insect body/brain bio-computer)?

The Metamorphosis 'The Metamorphosis' was published in 1915 when Franz Kafka was only thirty-four years old.
It is now considered to be his masterpiece and one of the most important examples of Existentialist literature. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a disturbing and thrilling book that leaves a reader with more questions than answers.
This article examines the short story Metamorphosis by the enigmatic Czech writer Franz Kafka, whose work has been the subject of extensive critical discussion. His writings have been seen in the context of existentialism, Jewish mysticism and as a warning of the advent of totalitarianism.
Franz Kafka[a] (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic.[4] It typically features isolated protagonists facing bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible socio-bureaucratic powers. It has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity.[5] His best known works include the short story "The Metamorphosis" and novels The Trial and The Castle. The term Kafkaesque has entered English to describe absurd situations, like those depicted in his writing.
Kafka was born into a middle-class German-speaking Czech Jewish family in Prague, the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, today the capital of the Czech Republic.[7] He trained as a lawyer and after completing his legal education was employed full-time by an insurance company, forcing him to relegate writing to his spare time. Over the course of his life, Kafka wrote hundreds of letters to family and close friends, including his father, with whom he had a strained and formal relationship. He became engaged to several women but never married. He died in obscurity in 1924 at the age of 40 from tuberculosis.
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or insect)?
What is nanosecond
(ns or human insect body/brain bio-computer)?
3.92 106 ratings14 reviews A mysterious stranger possesses a disturbing secret in this thrilling H. G. Wells graphic novel adaptation! In the midst of winter,
a snowstorm blows into the small, quiet village of Iping—and along with the storm arrives a mysterious stranger.
a snowstorm blows into the small, quiet village of Iping
village of Iping
village of Iping
village of Ip --> Insect People
Cemetey Plot ..output language summary
A mysterious man, Griffin, referred to as 'the stranger', arrives at the local inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping, West Sussex, during a snowstorm.
The Metamorphosis 'The Metamorphosis' was published in 1915 when Franz Kafka was only thirty-four years old.
It is now considered to be his masterpiece and one of the most important examples of Existentialist literature. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a disturbing and thril
Franz Kafka[a] (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic.[4] It typically features isolated protagonists facing bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible socio-bureaucratic powers. It has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity.[5] His best known works include the short story "The Metamorphosis" and novels The Trial and The Castle. The term Kafkaesque has entered English to describe absurd situations, like those depicted in his writing.
Kafka was born into a middle-class German-speaking Czech Jewish family in Prague, the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, today the capital of the Czech Republic.
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?
What is nanosecond (ns or nsec)?What is nanosecond (ns or insect)?
What is nanosecond
(ns or human insect body/brain bio-computer)?
3.92 106 ratings14 reviews A mysterious stranger possesses a disturbing secret in this thrilling H. G. Wells graphic novel adaptation! In the midst of winter,
a snowstorm blows into the small, quiet village of Iping—and along with the storm arrives a mysterious stranger.
The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a prosthetic nose, and he wears a wide-brimmed hat. He is excessively reclusive, irascible, unfriendly, and introverted

SYS1.LPALIB This library contains system execution modules that are loaded into the link pack area when the system is initialized. There may be several other libraries concatenated with it. Programs stored here are available to other address spaces. SYS1.NUCLEUS This library contains the basic supervisor ("kernel") modules of z/OS. SYS1.SVCLIB
SYS1.PARMLIB This library contains control parameters for z/OS and for some program products. In practice, there may be other libraries concatenated with it. SYS1.LINKLIB This library contains many of the basic execution modules of the system. In practice, it is one of a large number of execution / kill libraries that are concatenated.
it is one of
a large number of execution libraries that are concatenated.
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