Book 1732 Part 1
Complex number (CN) of Czar Nicholas ... American usage of stolen mathematical property
and the American families cover-up of the usage of murder systems to steal the
SUN -EARTH (SE) government systems ...
adnanced intellectual ..abstract systems property that was developed in the
North EuropeaN ---> NeuroN bio-computer software PROJECTS region
..translated by Herb Zinser
extended translations of math & English word codes
per Grand Unfied Theory and the
Theory of Everything includes atomic social sciences and
bio-math human life and human math economic activity
...... secret languages not explained
by myopic and biased newspapers
the application of sysmbol life z0 -->
to the Planet Earth ....
mathematical-physics surface .....
the atomic geo-location ....
............Michigan ,,, at the city of
Grand Rapids ... a COMPUTER EARTYH prococesing speed site ....with the
math series links ......
Z from 0 to n
with base Z0
the Secretary-General.
October 26, 2021 - Zondervan Divisions Zondervan is a
American Bible (Christian) publisher
Zondervan, as part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., delivers transformational Christian experiences› questions › 1407585 › what-is-the-mapping-of-z-transform
August 24, 2015 - Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this secret bio-computer community....
thinkers of the
male penis --> is --> information systems
What is the mapping of Z-transform? -
Math Stack Exchange
What is the Austin Texas .....
Christian brain computer mapping of
- Math/probability of the
William Feller birth& death processor
Austin Math exchange .....
exchange physical biology life for death
... the Joe Stack bio-computer
BODY/BRAIN manipulated.... to..........Exchange
his life as a computer software programmar
on the EARTH lasd surface as a
living human software programmer
his life as a computer software programmar
the COMPUTER EARTH underground ...
geology atomic soil/clay data processing region ....
ancient Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD
Paul Dirac ..
at Roselawn Cemetery with
Salvador Dali military language software
with boxer MuhammaD ali
that is the COMPUTER EARTH
atomic micro-second processor region
at Roselawn Cemetery with
Above math codes
co = country of Thailand math series
Math & physics existence
Theorem at 2 levels of black ink graphic shapes
Theorem --> earth surface ore
.... e
.... c
Thcorem ...Earth center core ,,,a data center and atomic iron factory ..... Jules Verne 1865
book Journey to the Center of Earth explains
Below, letter R can be used to construct
applications models .....
in our case R will refer to the
R = radius of the inner earth .... the Planet Earth round sphere and its DATABASE....
and the atomic geological levels ...
in our case R will reference to the
R = Radius --> Rus agents .....
the earth surface country of Russia
human agent Bertrand Russell of Great Bertrand wiht the KGB ( King George of Britain)
Bertrand Arthur Thursday William Russell,
3rd EarL (Earth Language of Radius) Russell,
OM, FRS[66] (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual. He had a considerable influence on mathematics, logic, set theory, linguistics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science and various areas of analytic philosophy, especially philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, epistemology, and metaphysics.[67][68]
He was one of the early 20th century's most prominent logicians,[68] and a founder of analytic philosophy, along with
his predecessor
Gottlob Frege (Frequency of ground earth),
his friend and colleague G. E. Moore
(Gem stones aand diamonds.....
and their secret social and romance languages.....
code name Gem -> Group atomic container
with a data and instruction package of
electro-magnetic field waves......
trapped inside the gem stone .... as an EM-field container to activate human Em --> Emotions)
and his student and protégé
Lu --> IBM logical units of Ludwig Wittgenstein
and the communications bandwidth .....
with GW --> George Washington .....
Geography & geology information waves ...
a human bio-geo-sensor
Russell with Moore (Mo + ore--> Morenci Arizona copper ore mine of Phelps Dodge)
led the British "revolt against idealism".[b] Together with his former teacher A. N. Whitehead,
Russell wrote Principia Mathematica, a milestone in the development of classical logic, and a major attempt to reduce the whole of mathematics to logic (see Logicism). Russell's article "On Denoting" has been considered a "paradigm of philosophy".[70]
time levels and time gears to shift between levels
. Nano-second processor speed
, atomic micro-second processor speed
to the Rose Garden at the White House
space / time .... IBM geography space
..Base 16 hexadecimal at
geography address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with the
IBM Oxygen mass 16 ...
atomic oxygen computer LUNG processor..... base 16 multiply with alpha/numeric B100D equation .....
giving the address 1600 ...
to be used for the
EXTERNAL geography address location ..... 1600 .for the construction of the
EXTERNAL White House to be aligned with the
INTERNAL white blood cell military defense system against BS and fetus brain level nonsense
Nano-second geography location
with hot women / prostitutes
whose body/ vagina is a bio-computer
with TIME GEARS .......
pussy muscle gears
to enable shifting between
the 3 major levels of bio-time and
Earth geo-time
whose body/ vagina is a bio-computer
with TIME GEARS .......
pussy muscle gears
to enable shifting between
the 3 major levels of bio-time and
Earth geo-time
. Nano-second
. the atomic micro-second processor wants the rose colored/pink color ..... central pussy
.... female atomic pussy system
as a CPU
exquisitely full-figured blonde bombshell Jami Ferrell was born on June 20, 1974 in
Muncie, Indiana nano-second region.
Jami hopped a marhematical-physics plane
to Los Angeles, California shortly after graduating
from high school. Ferrell then got a job as a
bio-computer nanny in Malibu ...a human female
and lip-stick curves) saleswoman becomes the nanny
the state New York(NY) with includes Manhattan Island as a earth electron MOTHER BOARD,
In February 2004, control of Fallujah and the surrounding area in the Al Anbar Governorate was transferred from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division to the 1st Marine Division.
Second Battle of Fallujah.....
As time passes VIA football time passes,
Date 7 November – 23 December 2004[2][3][4]
(1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days)
Fallujah, Anbar Governorate, Iraq

English language alphabet runway 26 (EXTERNAL).
by television broadcast ..... EM-field instructions into the pilots brain stem ..... instrcutions from TV ads to switch to another company --> com --> Comair brain thoughs switched ....... INTERNAL perceptions of
Runway 22 VS 26. .
and two of the three crew.
to create new COMPUTURE EARTH
IP address spaces ....
Second Battle of Fallujah.....
ABend and dump
During his time in office, the nation fought the Civil War, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. One of Lincoln's greatest accomplishments was the abolition of enslavement in 1864. Fast Facts: Abraham Lincoln
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall (Wall Street seat on the Stock exchange)
and had a great fall (in year 1929)
The Insect People(IP) of the H G Wells 1897 computer book ...... Village of IP and their
Biology Blog pings --> Code name
,,,,,,,,,,,,Village of IPing ......
their bio-computer
Internet Problems(IP) created the Execution of the Czar Nicholas ... the Romanov family
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House --> IPa ---> IP address of murder
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House ..FermiLAB cover-up of murder systems of the people of the United States
...whose sub-conscious INSECT mind enjoys
the creation of murder ad death accidents of
EARTH GOVERNMENT system representatives
..... thus we have several major communication cover-ups of the
and software platform that we
exist and/or co-exist with .....
the Office of Science(OS) of Oscillations and
molecular oscillation, quiver. sine wave social activity or sin wave attacks
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House ..FermiLAB cover-up of
Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in
Arequipa --> IPA address of the
,,,,,,Peruvian-American quiver particle .....
in humanoid format a physicist.....
from the Galapagos Islands EARTH LAB extension region for
ODD humanoids with
ODD peoper noun names
Thus the capital city of Quito..Echo of Ecuador
,,,,,, Quivers and Quiver software
sent to various parts of the world
,,,thus the
atmosphere / sky MOS circuit view of the
Earth land surface life and activity .......
mosquito address space
with the insect ....
mosquito wing quiver / oscillations
Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in
Arequipa --> IPA address of the
,,,,,,Peruvian-American quiver particle .....
in humanoid format a physicist.....
born in large region of Quito ...
quiver address space at Arequipa .
,,,,,, thus Pier Oddone as bio-quiver-sensor humaoid specimen was sent by Quito ... to FermilAB by Chicago to be studied by quantum wave mechanics people,
by the University of Wisconsin sin wave people.
by Paul Dirac alternating-cycle specialist be MALE specimen from Arequipa ....
Quito geography land as an atomic surface
...quiver IP address spacee
to be compared to the Female clothes/ fabrics /dress
from China Asia
Chinese Qipao Dress --->
Internet Protocol address of f(x) = 0
Chinese Qipao Dress ---> thus the dress ....
word equation forces
the male to investigate the address space of pussy as a math zero ..... F(x) = 0 --> Female ( x ) vagina lips as
math parenthesis
and female quivers in bed ...become sin waves...
Quivers and Quiver software
sent to various parts of the world
,,,thus the
atmosphere / sky MOS circuit view of the
Earth land surface life and activity .......
mosquito address space
with the insect ....
mosquito wing quiver / oscillations
and the toes (Theory of Everthing systems)
..thus the mosquitoes signal by FermilAB
scientist picture of toes .....
.thus Pier Oddone of Arequipa and the mosquitoes signal of
scientist picture of toes .....
.thus Pier Oddone of Arequipa and the
Office of Science (OS) and the
scientist picture of toes .....
they have constructed a SYMBOL/ Language LIFE of a mosquitoes .... in the living language stream of consciousness by nearby Carol
by the FermiLAB inverse universe
at Batavia /Chicago
the ODD.
they began with the remains of a failed French canal.
The French frequency effort ended in bankruptcy in part because too many workers were hospitalized or died due to infections of malaria and yellow fever by
mosquito wing frequency ... frequency battle. Some estimates put it as high as one-third of all workers.
Val Dor region of Jack Kentish mineral ores ...
Malartic quebec canada / Sarasota Florida female at
37.0 Celsius temperature ..1963 special agent named
Mary Anne Kentish is gone from the project
Malaysia ... IBM system 370 parallel event ...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370)[a] was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport.[1] The crew of the Boeing 777-200ER registered as 9M-MRO, last communicated with air traffic control (ATC) around 38 minutes after takeoff when the flight was over the South China Sea. The aircraft was lost from ATC radar screens minutes later, but was tracked by military radar for another hour, deviating westward from its planned flight path, crossing the Malay Peninsula and Andaman Sea. It left radar range 200 nautical miles (370 km; 230 mi) northwest of Penang Island in northwestern Peninsular Malaysia.
With all 227 passengers and 12 crew aboard presumed dead, the disappearance of Flight 370 was the deadliest incident involving a Boeing 777
Malaria is a very serious infection which you can develop from a bite from an infected mosquito. The most common symptom is high temperature (fever) and a flu-like illness. Malaria can occur even up to a year after travelling in an area in which there is malaria. Prompt treatment for malaria is essential.
Piermaria Oddone
Piermaria Oddone
Pier maria Oddone
Pier malaria Oddone ...
Kettle Moraine High school
ATTACK commands and parameters
ee = East europe
Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs.
In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an
Asymmetric B-factory to study the
violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.
Steampunk Mechanical Insect Mosquito All-metal Handmade Creative Small Crafts Ornaments contructed of atoms and quiver waves as gluons/
James Burke atomic mass connections
Steampunk Mechanical Insect Mosquito All-metal Handmade Creative LARGE Crafts Ornaments
In the opening.....
of the EARTH atomic center core
(as a room in the EARTH geology house) .... looking upwards at the earth surface land ...the inner surface of the EARTH round sphere as a ceiling of clay / black soil
the EM AF Meth Church
is a stimulant (in different formats ... such as music, words, etc)
Clementa C. Pinckney
(a human Computer PIN).
bio-computer pins were killed in the
Milwaukee --> ee --> earth electron battles ....
double e --> (ee) social and brain circuit
..... electrical engineering battles
the Solar System 9 plan .. project plan 9
... symbolicTIME SHIP for
Charleston South Carolina and the
2244 West Charles Street
AG silver metal tuning fork frequency 47
who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then ..
the Solar System 9 plan .. project plan 9
... symbolicTIME SHIP for
Charleston South Carolina ......
bio-computer TIME pins
.....Friday TIME pins
in black human format ....standing vertical .. were killed in the
Milwaukee --> ee --> earth electron battles ....
double e --> (ee) social and brain circuit
..... electrical engineering battles
bio-computer TIME pins
.....Friday TIME pins
in black human format ....standing vertical .\
and party and have sex .....
Friday software program for the STATE of MIND
Friday (Robinson Crusoe)
Friday (Ro.........C ...order entry)
Friday (Rotation of earth ...C= Centrifugal)
Friday (Robinson Crusoe)
Friday (Ro.........C ...order entry)
Friday (Rotation of earth ...C= Centrifugal sideways data wind every 24 hours
....may carry the
lazy asshole FRIDAY software
to other regions like South America,
Central America.
Australia, Indonesia and the Philipines,
South Asia)
Friday (Robinson Crusoe) code book
of the living continent of
AFRICA region of
4-leg lumber chair .......
..... IBM base 4 exponent 2 ears ....
Friday is one of the main characters of Daniel Defoe's 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe and its sequel The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
Robinson Crusoe names the man Friday, with whom he cannot at first communicate, because they first meet on that day. The character is the source of the expression "Man Friday", used to describe a male personal assistant or servant, especially one who is particularly competent or loyal. Current usage also includes "Girl Friday".
It is possible that a Miskito pirate by the name of Will became the inspiration for the character Friday.
Character parallel
science Empirical Proof process (intellectual software pgrogram.) ....Nature's thought systems ....
that uses a programmable human bio-computer as.....
a human action figure to carry out the
Alan Sokal military langauge of the brain language
neuro-science wars.....
assault on Emanuel
Robinson Crusoe spends twenty-eight years on an island off the coast of Venezuela
with his talking parrot Poll,
his pet dog,
and a tame goat as his only companions.
In his twenty-fifth year of earth right triangle hypotenus time
he discovers that Carib cannibals occasionally use a desolate beach on the island to kill and eat their captives.
Crusoe helps one of the Caribs, kept captive and about to be eaten, escape his captors.
Crusoe ambushes two (2)pursuers,
system order entry ... american presidents (2) named
Geography Horizontal Wave
(sin bus Base 16 hex)
and the others leave in their canoes without knowing what happened to their companions. The escaped captive bows in gratitude to Crusoe, who decides to employ him as a servant. He names him Friday after the weekday upon which the rescue takes place.
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